("Psyche et L'amour" by Antonio Canova) COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course explores literary and visual texts frequently labeled as either "erotic" or "pornographic" - terms whose meanings and mercurial connotations we will chart and discuss throughout the course of the semester. In engaging with an array of "erotic"/"pornographic" materials, we will examine their relationship to - as well as their functions as critiques upon - the human condition. Topics we will explore include histories of sex and sexuality, and the representation of physical love in literature, film, and culture. Grades will be determined by a combination of short microthemes and expansive class participation. CONTACT INFO: Prof. Jay McRoy CART 228 TR 4:00 pm - 5:30 pm mcroy@uwp.edu www.jaymcroy.com REQUIRED TEXTS: Lady Chatterley's Lover by D.H. Lawrence Lolita by Vladimir Nabokov Porn Studies - Edited by Linda Williams P...